Monday, February 07, 2011

How to utilize the best lucky month & time in year 2011 (Metal Rabbit)!

Hi friends,

Should you believe in Four Pillar (BaZi) or ever heard about it, you may know that our birthday consists of 5 elements at different weight. This diffrence in "formula" may influnce 1/3 of our life or what we called destiny. Just want to take the opportunity in this new year to share with you some tips on improving our luck in this year I read from book.

First, let's check which group you belong to based on your birthday:
Fire: Nov 8 to Feb 18
Metal: Feb 19 to May 4
Water: May 5 to August 7 (& between Oct 8 to Nov 8 but dominant is Wood)
Wood: August 8 to Nov 7

In real BaZi analysis, we will normally have at least 2 elements that will favor us. Anyway, below summarized one of your most favor element that could help to enrich your life and luck.

For Metal group:
Your best lucky month (to work out everything you plan) will fall between Aug 8 to Oct 7, best time everyday is 3pm till 9pm & 1am till 3am. Your health weakest month will be March 6 to 20.

For Water group:
Best month: Aug 8 to Sept 8, best time: 7am to 9am; 3pm to 7pm; 9pm to 3am. Your health condition will be weakest during summer season.

For Wood group:
Best month: Feb 4 to Apr 5 & Dec 5 to next year Jan 5. Best timing: 7am to 9am, 1pm to 3pm, 9pm to 11pm. Since Jupiter is located at the East of our solar system in year, it will diminish wood element very much. So pay extra careful about your health this year!

For Fire group:
Best month: Feb 19 to Mar 5; May 5 to Aug 8; Oct 8 to Nov 7. Time: 9am to 3pm & 7pm to 9pm.
This year South & East areas will have bad health and poor luck.

It applied geographically in our country as well as our house. Try to avoid from going there or sleeping there if possible. Good luck!

P/S: Feel free to "chart" your luckiest or worst day to see if the above is true! Share with me if possible so that we can gather more evidence base to prove this 5,000 years BaZi knowledge!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Luopan - Fengshui Compass

Hereby I attached a photo of a Luopan I owned when I started to learn Fengshui seriously.
For practioner of Fengshui, this "Luopan" or Fengshui Compass is a must-have tool to help and determine the precise direction of a structure or object. In the world of Fengshui, the number of direction is no longer 8 but 24 directions. This translates to 15 degrees per direction. Interestingly, the Sun takes approximately 15.2 days to traverse a point. If you mark a series of 24 points on the ecliptic it creates a cycle of 365.25 days, which means that each degree on a luopan approximates a terrestrial day.

For advanced Fengshui practioners, they can also utilized I-ching with 64 trigrams incorporated in the Luopan in order to determine more information included Flying Stars.

In short, for those who would like to know their house or office's fengshui, first step is to use a Luopan to check the house/ office sitting and facing direction. Generally the market price for a professional luopan can be very costly because of the material use and integrations of different information in the Luopan and it can be used to avoid and block killing Qi from entering a house.

Anyway, you may also buy a low cost Luopan from roadside shop to measure 24 directions but it cannot be used to block killing Qi becasue the 8 trigrams (先天八卦 bā guà) is always intentionally located wrongly.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good list to start to love classical music

Below is my favorite classical songs and I always like to play it when doing my computer works at home or when reading books. I also wish to play it in my office but unfortunately it is not our company culture and perhaps it sounds like too relaxing for my sales department who suppose not to stay in the office ;)

1) Bach - Air on a G String
2) Beethoven - Fur Elise
3) Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
4) Pachelbel - Canon
5) Mozart - March Alla Turca
6) Mozart - Symphony no.40
7) Mozart - Eine kleine Nachtmusik
8) Chopin - Minute Waltz
9) Handel - Messiah Hallelujah
10) Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker

For iphone users, can try & search "iLuvMozart" as it has limited time for FREE download...Hope you enjoy :)

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KL, Malaysia
Hi there, welcome to my blog. I will do my best to write and share with you everything I experienced and learned that could enrich our life and people around us... Stay tune and keep in touch :-D